Explore MyOpenMath

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As you explore MyOpenMath, you will quickly discover many powerful features.

It is an online homework site. There are videos, homework problems and a grade book.

It is an online forum. Students can post problems to a forum. Other students or the instructor can post answers, hints and encouragement.

The forums can be used to get to know students, ask for their feedback, and other general topics too.

It is mathematical. It renders mathematics, so that it looks like mathematics without using fancy plug-ins. It makes graphs, tables and allows links in forums and text.

Here are some examples:

Notation: The quadratic formula is: `x=(-b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a)`

You could use the sigma+ pallet to make equations, or type "x=(-b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a)" then drag over it and click sigma.

Graphs: Here are the graphs of y=2^x in red and y=log(x) in blue.

Tables: When talking about word problems, tables are very useful. Consider this problem from Math 125: "Chris invests a total of $18,500 in two accounts. The first account earned a rate of return of 14% (after a year). However, the second account suffered a 10% loss in the same time period. At the end of one year, the total amount of money gained was $1,750.00. How much was invested into each account?"

   Principal  Rate  Interest
14% Gain  x  0.14  0.14x
10% Loss  y  -0.10  -0.10y
 Total  18,500    1750

You can also insert GeoGebra files, images, pdfs and files into forums and text.


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