Conceptual Algebra Manipulatives

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Math 120 Instructor Notes

The following sections were created by Benjamin Etgen for Intermediate Algebra. These topics are not in the text.

3: Linear Two Variable Inequalities

4: Distance System Application.

6.7: Practice - Volume of a Box.

9.10: Distance - Distance Problems with an Unknown Same Distance and Distance - Distance Problems with Given Times and Distance - Distance Problems with a Given Rates and Distance - Distance Problems with Given Distances.

9.11: Optimize Revenue and Timed Kick.

The following sections from the text are not in MyOpenMath:

9.5 Build Quadratics From Roots

9.6 Quadratic in Form

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Intermediate Algebra License

This course is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License and contains content from a variety of sources published under a variety of open licenses, including:
  • MyOpenMath by David Lippman of Lumen Learning
  • Chapters 1 - 9 by Tyler Wallace of Big Bend Community College for the Open Course Library
  • Chapter 10 by Andrew Gloag, Anne Gloag, Mara Landers and James Sousa (© 2013 CK-12 Foundation)
  • Chapter 11 by Lori Jordan and Kate Dirga (© 2015 CK-12 Foundation)
  • Assessment questions are public domain content created by faculty
  • Additional content by James Sousa of Phoenix College and Benjamin Etgen of American River College

This course was remixed by Professor Benjamin Etgen of American River College.

Professor Etgen can be emailed at: [email protected]

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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