Experience 5 - The Binomial Distribution

The Binomial Distribution



The binomial distribution is the most common discrete distribution used in elementary statistics. Exploring this standard distribution in detail will give us a better idea of what discrete probability distributions are all about as well as provide a system for determining the likelihood for obtaining a given sample proportion. As we will see, many questions can be answered using the binomial distribution, such as “What is the chance that at least one person in a random sample of 10 will vote a certain way”. Your ability to plan for future events and make wise decisions will be greatly aided by the techniques that follow.

Learning Objectives

  • Know when to use a binomial distribution
  • Know how to determine and interpret probabilities for binomial experiments
  • Learn how to calculate the mean and standard deviation for a binomial distribution

Performance Criteria

  • The learner will create binomial probability distribution tables using technology and explore their characteristics.
  • The learner will calculate the mean and standard deviation for a binomial distribution using technology.
  • The learner will recognize problems that involve binomial experiments and solve them using technology.

Translations of English to Math

Terminology for this Experience.

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Chapter 4  (This is a video by the authors covering chapter 4. Just watch the parts relating to section 4.3)

Calculating Binomial Probabilities (TI-84)

Calculating Binomial Probabilities (Excel)

Calculating Binomial Probabilities (Online Calculator)

Click on "Textbook" to view the reading assignment for this experience or read Section 4.3 from your print or digital copy.

A summary of the syntax for calculating binomial probabilities using technology

Use this site to calculate probabilities and create histograms for binomial problems. Just select Binomial Distribution from the drop-down menu and then provide the values for n, p, and X


  1. Review - Read the above components and post any questions in the forum below. 
  2. Practice - Complete the practice exercises that follow.
  3. Think - Answer the Critical Thinking questions in the "Critical Thinking" forum. 
  4. Apply - Complete the Application Problems and upload your completed file
  5. Assess - Complete the Mid-Term Assessment for this Experience.

If you have any questions about the content (readings, problems, etc.) then post in the "Questions about Experience 5" forum. 

Relationship between shape and probability of success

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Practice Problem Videos

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